인디 인벤

게임 정보

더 코마: 리컷

(The Coma: Recut)

Devespresso Games


'더 코마: 리컷'은 한국형 호러 컬트 생존 게임인 더 코마: 커팅 클래스'의 리마스터 버전입니다. 당신은 세화고등학교의 숨겨진 비밀을 찾고 탈출할 수 있을까요?







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게임 갤러리

추가 정보

개발자/개발사 정보


Devespresso Games



정보 페이지



서비스 상태


가격 정책



2017. 08. 30

게임 상세 정보

The good news is your school is about to explode. The bad news is...you’re trapped in it with her.

The Coma is back, recut and remastered. Explore this horror-fest of the Korea indie cult classic with an all new visual upgrade and mechanics.

2D hand illustrated visuals. 
A unique infusion of Korean horror in the survival-adventure genre.
Listen carefully to footsteps revealing the killer’s approach.
Run and hide from the world’s most relentless psycho-killer.
Avoid poisonous tentacles and clawing shadows as you explore.
Discover notes and clues that illuminate the mystery of Sehwa High.
Work together with the others who are trapped here. But can they be trusted?
Crouch in the shadows during intense moments as the Killer searches for you.
Reveal the startling mystery of your school through maps, notes, and exploration.
Run & Hide
With no escape in sight, Youngho must roam the halls of his school at night searching for a way out. During this journey he will encounter many threats hell-bent on killing him. Running is the best way to avoid danger — unfortunately, Youngho isn't much of an athlete, so he can't run forever. Find a place to hide and keep your mouth shut!
The Coma is a harsh world. This twisted reality of your high school knows no kindness. Use maps, notes, and tips from other characters to navigate your way through the world and figure out how you became trapped in such a bleak place.
Survive & Escape
Everything is out to get you. Youngho will have to avoid a persistent killer, lashing tentacles, and more to survive the school. Unfortunately, health is in short supply, and if you're not careful, you will die. The good news is that save-points provide a welcome breather from the onslaught of things trying to kill you.
Korean Horror
The Coma provides a glimpse — albeit a horrific one — into the life of Korea's overworked high school students. We hope you'll enjoy our infusion of Korean culture into the survival horror genre.
As Youngho, you must navigate through the three connected buildings of your high school using your wits. Along the way, you will find unlockable art, notes, and easter eggs that expand on The Coma universe. Oh yeah, did we mention the relentless killer, traps, and inevitable game overs?

After spending all night studying for the last day of Sehwa High’s final exams, Youngho has an eerie dream. He arrives at school the next morning and learns someone tried to commit suicide in school the night before. Despite this, class goes on!

Youngho drifts asleep during the final to find himself trapped in the school at night. The only problem is...he’s not alone. You can run. You can hide. Can you survive while piecing together the nightmarish mystery of Sehwa High? 

A new horror theme.
New character animations.
New hiding mechanic.
Rolling evasion.
Rebalanced items & inventory.
Rebalanced stamina gauge.
Updated cutscenes and art.

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명칭: 주식회사 인벤 | 등록번호: 경기 아51514 |
등록연월일: 2009. 12. 14 | 제호: 인벤(INVEN)

발행인: 서형준 | 편집인: 강민우 |
발행소: 경기도 성남시 분당구 구미로 9번길 3-4 한국빌딩 3층

발행연월일: 2004 11. 11 |
전화번호: 02 - 6393 - 7700 | E-mail: help@inven.co.kr

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2023.08.26 ~ 2026.08.25

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(웹진, 커뮤니티, 마켓인벤)